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6 Ways You Can Reduce Your Risk of Diabetes

reduce your risk of diabetes

Marc Kaplan |

Diabetes is one of the biggest health problems in America.

According to the American Diabetes Association, there are over 30 million Americans who have diabetes, many of which don't even know they have it.

That's almost 10 percent of the total population of the US. The problem doesn't seem to be going away any time soon.

But it's not all doom and gloom. There are many things you can do to reduce your risk of diabetes. This can range from quick things to whole lifestyle changes.

According to scientific research, preventative action can reduce the risk as much as 71 percent.

Keep reading to discover how to reduce your risk of diabetes through a mixture of diet, exercise, and other helpful tips.

1. Drop a Few Pounds

The best thing you can do to reduce your risk of diabetes is to get yourself to a healthy weight. This is because if you're overweight it's more difficult for your body to regulate blood sugar.

How Much Weight Should I Lose?

According to scientific research, depending on how overweight you are, you should be looking at losing approximately 5 to 10 percent of your body weight.

How Can I Lose Weight?

The best way to drop the pounds is through physical activity and a healthy diet.

It's not necessary to transform what you're eating. It's much better to make small changes that you can commit to.

The important thing is to make realistic goals. Don't immediately commit to running a marathon. Instead, start by committing yourself to daily 20-minute moderate walks.

2. Eat Plenty of High Fiber Foods

Many people ask what kinds of foods prevent diabetes. Your body needs high-fiber to fight of prediabetes.

Because fiber takes a longer period of time for your body to digest, the glucose is released much slower. This stops the blood sugar spike that is a sign of prediabetes.

You should aim for around 50 grams of fiber every day. The best way to get your daily fiber intake is through a nutritious breakfast. Many breakfast foods, such as oatmeal and cereal are packed with fiber.

3. Don't Skip Your Morning Coffee

There is a growing body of evidence that connects regular coffee and tea drinking with lower rates of diabetes. That's a reason to keep up your morning coffee habit.

According to the research, people who drink a few cups of coffee every day have a 25 percent lower risk of diabetes compared with people who don't drink coffee.

The same goes for regularly drinking tea. Drinking a few cups of tea on a daily basis reduces your risk of diabetes by up 18 percent.

4. Physical Activity and Exercise

If you could bottle the benefits of exercise and physical activity and sell it, it would be making millions. But there's nothing quite like the real thing.

With regular physical activity, you're strengthening your body. This makes your body more capable of dealing with the glucose in the blood.

You don't have to do anything too strenuous either. Simply moving your body regularly throughout the day can have a positive effect reducing your risk of diabetes.

But the most important thing is to get your heart rate pumping and your blood flowing. In other words, do exercise that gets your sweaty.

According to one study, women who sweat at least once per week reduced the risk of diabetes by almost a third.

How Much Exercise per Week?

You should aim for around 30 minutes of exercise at least five days per week. This can even be in 3 separate 10-minute exercise routines.

You can also mix up your activities to keep it interesting. Ride your bicycle in the morning, go for a walk at lunchtime, and a swim in the afternoon.

Lifting weights and other types of strength gaining activities are also highly recommended. This has been found to help significantly with fighting of prediabetes.

5. Eat Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner

Making sure you're eating three square meals a day is crucial to reducing your risk of diabetes. This ensures that your blood sugar stays regulated and prevents any blood sugar spikes.

It's important to space out your meals throughout the day. But if you get hungry between meals, you can supplement your diet with a healthy snack. This can include a handful of nuts or a piece of fruit.

The famous 'Mediterranean diet' has been praised by many nutritionists.

It includes plenty of fruits and vegetables, beans and whole grains. As well as, plenty of healthy fats, especially olive oil. Plus, healthy proteins like fish.

It's best to avoid too many simple carbohydrates. This includes sugary donuts and chocolate cake.

6. A Healthy Heart

A healthy heart is your best weapon against prediabetes. It's important to find out from your doctor about whether you have high blood pressure.

Many of the above things can also help to make sure you keep a healthy heart, from having a healthy diet to regular physical activity. It's also important to keep your stress levels low to maintain a healthy heart.

You should also look into whether you have high cholesterol, another sign of high risk of diabetes.

If there are any signs that you're out of range of the average results, speak with your doctor about ways to lower your cholesterol and blood pressure.

Reduce Your Risk of Diabetes

While diabetes is a major health problem that affects many people, there are also things you can do to reduce your risk of diabetes.

It's probably the case that you're already doing some of the things on our list. But do everything you can to prevent prediabetes.

If you have any more questions about diabetes, get in touch with us today!


Physical activity and diabetes prevention

American Diabetes Association

Changes You Can Make to Manage High Blood Pressure


On to you

What questions do you have? Let us know in the comments below and we'll be happy to help!

-Marc Kaplan

CEO, Save Rite Medical


Created with a vision of helping customers in anyway possible, Save Rite Medical CEO, Marc Kaplan, created the company and has grown it to become the leading internet provider of medical supplies. Through valuable products to educational information, Save Rite Medical is your #1 resource for medical supplies.