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Why, When, and How: Using Prodigy Test Strips to Check Your Blood Glucose Levels

Prodigy Test Strips Check Your Blood Glucose Levels

Marc Kaplan |

Having to check your blood glucose levels regularly can be a real pain and a hassle. However, it's for your own safety, so you should make the process as simple as possible for yourself. Using Prodigy test strips is a great way to check your blood glucose levels because it makes the process much easier. Read on to learn why, how, and when you should use Prodigy test strips. This article will teach you all you need to know about using these amazing strips.

Why Prodigy?

There are many perks to using test strips made by Prodigy. The technology of Prodigy test strips only allows testing when there's enough blood on the test strip. This helps to eliminate waste and help the tester save strips, money, and time. It allows for safer and more accurate results. Capillary action draws the blood sample into the test strip automatically. There's no coding required for the strips and they work with all Prodigy meters. They're approved for Alternate Site Testing (AST), which means you can use a part of the body other than the fingertips to draw blood samples. For example, you can obtain blood for blood sugar testing from the palm of the hand, the forearm, and even the calf, thigh, or abdomen. Plus, the Prodigy test strips do not expire for at least 12 months. This long shelf life means you don't have to constantly worry about your strips expiring before you can use them.

How to Use Prodigy Test Strips

Using your Prodigy test strips to test your blood levels couldn't be less of a hassle. Most often, you'll use your test strips in conjunction with a Prodigy blood glucose meter. Before you begin, you'll want to wash and dry your hands thoroughly.

Start with a New Test Strip

Set up your meter as needed and then insert a new test strip into your meter. Once the meter has greeted you, you're ready to get testing.


Get a Blood Sample

In order to use your Prodigy test strips, you'll need to get a blood sample. All you have to do for this is use your lancing device to get a small drop of blood from your fingertip or desired testing site. Prodigy test strips only require a small amount of blood. A minimal droplet of about 0.7 microliters should be sufficient. Some people claim that getting your blood sample from the side of your fingertip, rather than the tip itself, makes it easier to get your blood onto the test strip correctly. You should perform your testing however you feel most comfortable.

Apply Blood Sample to Testing Strip

Once you have a blood droplet, you'll need to apply it to the testing strip. Once the meter shows that it is ready for the blood sample, just touch and hold the drop of blood to the narrow channel on your testing strip. The blood should completely fill the small channel. This will ensure that your Prodigy glucose meter has enough blood to give a correct reading.

What If There's Not Enough Blood in the Testing Strip?

If there's not enough blood in the channel for your meter to test and give you a reading, you have two options. You can either add more blood to the strip or throw it away and start with a new one. If you opt for adding more blood to the strip, you'll need to do so within 5 seconds. Otherwise, the test results will have to be thrown out. If all else fails, you can throw away the test strip and start again. If you get an error reading from your blood sample, you'll have to do the process over.

Getting Your Results

Once you've finished with this process and the meter has successfully obtained a large enough blood sample to test and provide results, it will count down. It usually takes just a few seconds to get your reading. Then, the result of your blood glucose level test will be displayed on the meter. You're all finished!

When to Use

Wondering when or how often to use your meter or testing strips? The frequency you'll need to use your Prodigy test strips depends greatly on your individual medical health needs and your doctor's recommendations. Some of the most common times to test include before each meal or about two hours after a meal.

Of course, each person is different. Your testing schedule will depend on many factors, including what medications you may be on and what your doctor suggests for you. It also depends on whether or not your doctor has put you on insulin. You may be instructed to use your test strips around meal times, before or after you exercise, before going to sleep, or whenever you feel unwell. Some may also need to check before driving a car.

Why Does It Matter?

Monitoring and controlling your blood glucose level is important for several reasons. The complications of diabetes can be excessive, and you want to make sure to keep them at bay. In fact, complications can lead to a heart attack or stroke, kidney issues, and vision problems. These could result in blindness, sexual dysfunction, and circulation issues.

The best way to avoid complications and keep your body healthy is to stay on top of your blood glucose levels and give your body what it needs. You can do this by monitoring your levels with test strips and eating a balanced diet that supplies the proper amount of sugar. Monitoring regularly is up to your own commitment to yourself. No one will force you to do it. It's about taking your health into your own hands. You are responsible for monitoring your levels and keeping everything in check. To make this easier for yourself, purchase test strips and a meter that fit your lifestyle.

Have questions about Prodigy test strips or other medical supplies? Contact us today!

Further Reading

Diabetic Kidney Disease

Diabetic Retinopathy

Blood Sugar Chart


On to you

What questions do you have about Prodigy Test Strips? Let us know in the comments below and we'll be happy to help!

-Marc Kaplan

CEO, Save Rite Medical


Created with a vision of helping customers in anyway possible, Save Rite Medical CEO, Marc Kaplan, created the company and has grown it to become the leading internet provider of medical supplies. Through valuable products to educational information, Save Rite Medical is your number 1 resource for medical supplies.